Saturday, October 20, 2012

Kevin turns 5

I can't believe my little man is turning into a little man. He is now 5 and is such a sweet boy. Since his birthday is in July is coincided with our beach vacation so we just celebrated all week at the beach, and with Spiderman cupcakes. Photos will be in the vacation post. Here is his birthday interview:

1. Favorite color: red
2. Favorite toy: Buzz lightyear and cars 2 jet
3. Favortie fruit: apples and bananas
4. Favortie thing to ear for lunch: hot dogs
5. Favortie outfit: Skateboard shirt and red gym shorts
6. Favorite t.v. show: transformers
7. Favortie game: (he took this as board game) checkers
8. Favorite snack: I don't know
9. Favorite animal: tigers and snakes
10. Favorite song: Book of Mormon Stories
11. Favorite Book: Froggy Let's Go
12. Best Friend: Sean, Logan and Lyle
13. Favorite cereal: Multigrain cheerios and panda gogo puffs
14. Favorite thing to do outside: Swing on the swings and jump on the trampoline
15. Favorite thing to drink: juice, water, milk
16. Favorite holiday: Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night: bedtime toys
18.  What is your favorite thing for breakfast: cereal
19. What do you want to do for dinner on your birthday: Cupcakes
20. What do you want to be when you grow up: a Motorcycle driver.

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