Sunday, January 25, 2015


Sometime the Lord wants you to learn something.
I think the lesson I need to learn right now is that I have no control.

I am a self titled control freak. I hate spontaneity. I hate chaos. I hate not having a plan. Seriously ask my BFF about the Christmas meltdown of 2010!

Right now my  life is all of that.

We are supposed to be moving to Japan in 2 weeks. We don't even have "real" orders yet. So far it looks like we aren't going. Ed is having some medical complications (nothing serious, or unfixable) So it looks like we may be staying here in NJ for longer than we had planned.

I thought we had it all under control, we got all the paperwork in, got the dog all her shots and a new microchip, a flight kennel, got the kids records all set. Started asking around for people who wanted to buy our cars and rent our house. We had it all lined up and now it looks like it is all falling apart. I am a huge believer is everything happens for a reason. I have to admit. I am a little upset. It would be really exciting to live in a part of the world that I probably wouldn't go to if I wan't moving there. But at the same time. We have been here 8 years. We have friends, we have "family". Our kids have amazing schools. So I am ok staying for now. I just wish I knew for sure what was happening so I could plan.

For now I am living in limbo. I feel a constant sense of anxiety yet at the same time I know that it will all be ok. And if it's not ok, it will work out anyway. The Lord has a plan for me and my family and I'll go with it. I just hope I know that plan sooner than later so I can be calm again!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Gifts from my book club going away party

Frame of date and names of my kiddos. I mean really so cute.

And this is also one of my favorites. A Christmas ornament and on the back is the info on when we lived here with a personal message that we would be missed.

I have amazingly talented and thoughtful friends!

Last fall on the east coast

This could have possibly been our last fall on the east coast. When I realized that I completely stopped bringing our leaves to the street for pickup and grabbed my camera. We have all oak trees so the leaves aren't gorgeous but I think these came out pretty good. And I will be so sad, and miss the falls in the north east. There is nothing else like it. 

P.S  The fact that they are not in birth order in driving my slight OCD insane but I will leave it to prove that OCD doesn't run my life. I will probably have to edit it at 2 am!